How to Sewing an Islamic Chevron Endband (Videos)

Chevron pattern endband or what known as Islamic endband is one of the most beautiful historical endband styles. however, some of emerging conservator-restorer and bookbinders finding it not that easy to sewing the Islamic chevron endband; thinking it is more complicated endband technique than most of the other western endbands.
The good news is after this video tutorial the Islamic endband will not be complicated anymore, and the bad news is... Likely there is no bad news today ;) you will master the chevron pattern endband finally :)

Now you need to prepare your Islamic binding text-block model, a 3 to 5 mm piece of leather as a core, linen thread No.150 for the loom as tie-downs, and 2 contrasted thread color (preferred to be silk)
The video tutorials for the Islamic endband are divided into two parts, the first part is to train your self to make the chevron pattern, in details. The second part is to sewing the chevron pattern on a text-block.

Part 1 | Train yourself.

The easiest technique to make Islamic Chevron Headband (Endband). Part one to train your self to make the chevron pattern, in details.

Part 2 | Sewing the Islamic chevron endband.

After part 1; now you should be able to do the chevron pattern in an easy way as explained. and it is time now to start making the tie-downs and twining the chevron over it.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture
Sherif Afifi
Sorry English is not my first language but sharing experience is a global language
